Recently, a friend of mine invited me over to see his brand new video game, Fallout 4, the highly anticipated next chapter in the Fallout saga. For those of you who may not know, Fallout is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where you, as the main player, have survived a nuclear apocalypse by living in a large underground vault. As you emerge from the vault, and make your way across the wastelands, water distillers become extremely important to your survival. In the game, you distill water for both drinking and as a means of making money. Since I am an advocate of drinking distilled water, my friend wanted me to see how important it is in the game.
While Fallout 4 is only a game based on survival, we face similar challenges in the real world. Our water quality is being threatened by biological, chemical and other types of contamination. Some of this contamination is manmade, but other kinds are a result of natural disasters or natural processes. For example, when severe weather strikes, sewer mains can break or overflow causing your home’s water to become undrinkable. Infrastructure can be disabled. What do you do if you can’t drink water from your faucet? Do you go to the grocery store to get bottled water, only to find that the shelves are empty? Do you try using a pitcher with a simple carbon filter only to find out that it can’t remove dangerous toxins?
By owning a water distiller, you can rest assured that your distilled drinking water is safe. You will have peace of mind knowing that you can distill your tap water into the safest, purest water possible for you and your family. By making your own distilled water, you are able to take care of yourself and perhaps even some of your neighbors. This is good for you and your community. FEMA, the Red Cross and other organizations work tirelessly making sure that everyone has clean water among other things. I am not suggesting you should charge for water like in Fallout 4, but being able to offer purified drinking water to others is one way a community can support each other. If everyone owns a distiller then disaster relief can focus on food or other necessities, as well as cleanup. This may be another reason to consider getting a larger distiller, or at least one with a larger storage tank. It’s a relief to have distilled water on hand, especially in cases where the power might go out. At AquaNui, we’ve designed our distillers so that even if you typically use a pump, you can always get water out of your storage tank.
When disaster struck the Fukushima plant in Japan of 2011, we had some radioactive contaminants tested by the University of Nebraska. Of those tested, we had very successful removal rates! If you remember, the tsunami heavily damaged the water cooling tanks and as a result millions of gallons of water was radioactively contaminated. Cleanup is still going on today because of the radiation’s effect on local streams and ground water, but also in the ocean itself. Our distillers showed a 99.8% reduction of Cesium, 89.6% reduction of Iodine and 99.5% reduction of Uranium. These are amazing results compared to other forms of water purification.
So whether you’re faced with a natural disaster or a man-made one, our distillers will help keep your family safe. More importantly, consider our distillers for your daily water needs now. Make sure that your family’s cooking and drinking water is consistently pure! In good times and in bad, buying an AquaNui home water distiller will provide you with peace of mind no matter what life throws at you.
By Jim Blakley