Human error was not to blame for the unprecedented filtration plant breakdown that left 1.3 million Montrealers without drinkable water for a few days last month, officials tell QMI Agency. A series of “unpredictable and simultaneous” incidents related to repair […]
Getting the Word Out – “Water Contamination Can be Eliminated”
After 30 years in the industry, I’m still amazed at the lack of education there is on water and water purification. It’s not just with the layperson but health care experts and nutritionists by and large do not have a […]
Quality American Made Product
Thank you very much for your personal note to us. It meant the world to us and makes me feel and know I picked the right company to do business with. That was very thoughtful and we appreciate it very, […]
What is Distilled Water?
Consumers can choose from a variety of water treatment methods. What are they? Which are best? There have been books written on the science of water treatment, so allow me to simplify matters by using everyday language. Purified Water “Purified water” […]
Water Myth #1: You Need the Minerals in Water
Water is definitely the body’s lubricant. But is it also a source of nutrition? Do you need the minerals found in most tap water? This is a myth widely propagated. There are at least 4 reasons why you don’t need […]
Feel like 35, but I just turned 81
I started drinking distilled water (while aboard ship in the US Navy) in 1952. I drink distilled water to this day. My distiller is manufactured by PURE & SECURE of Lincoln, NE, USA. I feel like I’m 35 and I […]