FEMA and the American Red Cross recommend distillation as one water treatment solution under emergency situations such as boil alert advisory. Distillation Technology is the best among the 3 suggested solutions. Here is why: Boiling the water: If you only boil the […]
Nuclear Leak
The Southwestern USA Water Crisis
Several years ago I gave a keynote address at one of our Conventions in Las Vegas. The topic of the presentation was “The Upcoming Water Crisis with Los Angeles at the Epicenter”. My presentation was, in large part, highlighted by […]
The Water is safe… But pregnant women shouldn’t drink it!
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last week, you have heard about the big chemical spill in West Virginia that made the tap water for 300,00 residents unusable. Well as the chemical moved on down the […]
Fukushima; worse than Chernobyl?
Fukushima is once again on the news as TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) recently admitted that the leakage of radiation contaminated water at the Fukushima plant has not been contained. After denying it for over 2 years, Japan’s nuclear watch […]